Our Stories | Kosovo

Speeches Shim

June 5, 2020

With the launch of the Kosovo Judicial Council’s Performance Dashboard, a more open and transparent court system in Kosovo is brought to life.  The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip S. Kosnett launched the Performance Dashboard virtually with an online address on May 15, 2020.  Developed by USAID in cooperation with the Kosovo Judicial Council, the Performance Dashboard provides public access to court and individual judge performance data, allowing citizens to monitor the work of the justice system without leaving their homes.  

May 21, 2020


U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip S. Kosnett, joined by acting Minister of Health Arben Vitia, officially launched the partnership between USAID and UNICEF Kosovo on April 23.  This partnership aims to help the families and institutions that are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic through the provision of necessary basic hygiene kits, including detergents, soap, wipes, etc. 

May 21, 2020

Volunteers and entrepreneurs are joining forces throughout Kosovo to fight COVID-19.  As citizen initiatives are complementing the actions of the government, local businesses and organizations are extending their cooperation across ethnic lines.  When a local non-profit in the Serb-majority municipality of Gracanica ran out of filament during the production of face shields, a Kosovo Albanian-run company Formon was the first to step in with a donation. 

May 21, 2020

As a long-time youth activist, Drita jumped at the chance to join the Emergency Response (ER) Team in her community.  She has been actively involved in USAID’s Up to Youth activity as a Youth Advisory Board member, and understands how vital it is to volunteer in her community.  Thus, she did not hesitate in joining local representatives from the police, the municipal directorates of education, public administration, and health, nonprofits and businesses, and the Red Cross to ensure the citizens of Vushtrri/Vučitrn remain safe during the pandemic.  

May 8, 2020

Bardh Mustafa is an inspiration to many in his community.  He is always ready to offer a helping hand, pays attention to details, and likes to solve problems efficiently.
