Costa Rica

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Costa Rica Tropical Storm Nate
The passage of Tropical Storm Nate in early October 2017 resulted in more than ten deaths, displaced approximately 8,300 people to temporary shelters, and caused widespread infrastructure in Costa Rica.

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Tropical Storm Nate began impacting Costa Rica on October 4, bringing strong winds and heavy rains that resulted in widespread flooding and infrastructure damage throughout the country. The storm resulted in more than ten deaths and displaced approximately 8,300 people to temporary shelters countrywide, according to the Government of Costa Rica.

On October 10, U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica Sharon Day declared a disaster due to the effects of Tropical Storm Nate. In response, USAID provided $150,000 to support immediate humanitarian efforts. USAID also activated an eight-person disaster assessment and response team in Costa Rica in advance of the storm to coordinate with local government officials and other stakeholders on response activities.


Costa Rica is vulnerable to a number of natural disasters, including earthquakes and flooding associated with hurricanes and tropical storms. When disaster strikes Costa Rica, USAID typically supports non-governmental organizations to meet humanitarian needs and complement local and national government relief efforts. In addition to responding to disasters, USAID also supports disaster risk reduction programs in Costa Rica, including activities to increase disaster preparedness and response at the community level.

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