Empowering Women Judges in Georgia

Speeches Shim

Monday, November 5, 2018
USAID Georgia Mission Director Peter Wiebler spoke at the conference on “The Role of Women Judges in the Judiciary"
USAID Georgia

"In the words of USAID Administrator Mark Green, 'in the journey to self-reliance, countries that elevate women create strong communities and lasting change.' Creating a court system that encourages women to play greater leadership roles in the judiciary is crucial."  USAID/Georgia Mission Director Peter Wiebler spoke at the international conference on “The Role of Women Judges in the Judiciary.” 

The conference focused on the importance of women’s full and equal participation in the judiciary, gender stereotyping, the impact of gender diversity on judicial decision making, gender-sensitive sentencing, and other important issues.  Speakers from Georgia, the U.S. and representing the international donor community shared their professional experience and best practices, and underlined the benefits of equal representation at the various levels of judiciary.

The U.S. government has supported reforms in the justice system for more than a decade.  USAID partners with the Government of Georgian to ensure an independent and professional judiciary is the main safeguard in protecting all Georgians citizens from wrongdoing by others.  It is the foundation for the protection of human rights, democratic institutions and economic prosperity.  

Gender equality is fundamental to whether and how economies and societies thrive. While women worldwide are closing the gap in critical areas such as health and education, significant gender inequality persists in the workforce, in politics and in the judiciary. Ensuring the full development of half of the world’s total talent pool has a vast bearing on the growth, competitiveness and resilience of economies and businesses worldwide. Judicial leadership needs to reflect the diverse population of the nation. Having more women in leadership positions in the judiciary, who better understand the impact of the law on the lives of women and girls, will result in better protection of their rights. 

The U.S. government through USAID will continue to support Georgia's efforts to develop a fair and independent justice system.