Bangladesh Program Updates

Speeches Shim

March 16, 2020

For over a decade, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Bangladesh has been making headlines for its novel approach to health.  Much of its shining success has come through the Smiling Sun network of 134 clinics, run by a pro-poor, independent social business company, Surjer Hashi Network (SHN), which has made primary health services available to millions of Bangladeshis.  

March 12, 2020

The U.S. government recently announced a commitment of $37 million in financing from the Emergency Reserve Fund for Contagious Infectious Diseases at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for 25 countries either affected by novel coronavirus COVID-19 or at high risk of its spread.  The U.S. government is providing these funds to the World Health Organization, other multilateral institutions, and programs led by USAID implementing partners in individual countries.  These are the first U.S. government funds committed from a recent pledge of up to $100 million to be used worldwide.

February 16, 2020

U.S. Ambassador to Bangladesh Earl Miller, UK Department for International Development (DFID) Senior Governance Adviser Aislin Baker, and Bangladesh Minister of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Anisul Huq jointly launched a new Legal Manual for Civil Society Organizations in Bangladesh to help Bangladeshi civil society organizations carry out their missions more effectively.

January 28, 2020

Ambassador Earl Miller, accompanied by USAID Mission Director Derrick Brown, traveled to the Sundarbans from January 26-28, 2020, to support the growing partnership between the United States and Bangladesh.  Ahead of World Wetlands Day February 2, his visit to the world’s largest mangrove forest highlighted the importance of conserving the Sundarbans and its wildlife.  Healthy ecosystems and protection from natural disasters are critical to developing a resilient Bangladesh.

December 6, 2019

United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bangladesh Mission Director (MD) Derrick S. Brown visited key USAID development programs in Chattogram Hill Tracts (CHT) this week.  During his visit, he met with residents, local government officials and community leaders to underscore the U.S. government’s commitment, through USAID, to work with the Government of Bangladesh and other development partners to improve economic opportunities and promote conservation of the unique natural resources in the Chattogram Hill Tracts.
