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Speeches Shim

March 4, 2020

Since 1992 the United States has partnered with the Armenian people to establish democratic and economic systems and institutions, expand trade and investment, promote independent media and civil society, and enhance energy security.  Together we have also improved access to healthcare and strengthened social protection systems.  USAID remains committed to supporting Armenia on its journey to self-reliance.

March 4, 2020

On February 20, USAID Armenia’s Participatory Utilization and Resource Efficiency in Water (PURE Water) project, implemented by the local NGO, the Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development, hosted a workshop during which stakeholders from central and local governments, community activists, and academia convened to discuss and present newly developed online tools and applications. A highlight of the event was the presentation of the transparency portal developed through PURE Water in an effort to streamline the issuance process of water-use permits.

March 4, 2020

On February 21, USAID’s “Engaged Citizenry for Responsible Governance” project presented the results of its recently conducted Household Corruption Perception Survey, which polled citizens across Armenia on their perceptions of the prevalence of different types of corruption and their level of awareness of anti-corruption initiatives and institutions.

March 4, 2020

USAID’s “Civic Engagement in Local Governance (CELoG)” project, implemented a consortium of local NGOs, led by the Communities Finance Officers Association, continued its series of regional trainings as part of the School of Local Democracy (SLD) framework. Sixty-two young people from Kotayk and Gegharqunik marzes (regions) gathered to learn the essentials of local democracy, local government operations, strategic planning, budgeting, human rights, and other topics related to activities they could implement in their communities.

March 4, 2020

On February 27, USAID launched an Internship Program at the National Assembly (IPNA) as part of the “Strengthening Electoral Processes and Political Accountability'' project. IPNA will be implemented through the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and will provide young professionals with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience, develop new skills, and build strong networks while introducing them to the work of the National Assembly.
