Speeches Shim

On November 3, USAID and local partners marked the successful completion of a project that supported the permanent sealing of a self-flowing well near Sipanik village, Ararat province. USAID/Armenia Mission Director Deborah Grieser; Armenia’s First Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Erik Grigoryan, representatives of the regional government, local residents and mayors of neighboring villages were in attendance at the event.

The My Armenia Program, funded by USAID and implemented by the Smithsonian Institution, has launched a project with CyArk, a California-based non-profit organization that uses new technologies to capture, archive and share the world’s cultural heritage with the global community. In Armenia, CyArk will be scanning the historical Noravank monastery and the Areni-1 cave complex in Vayots Dzor province, as well as design products that promote and share Armenia’s cultural heritage in and beyond the country.

Since establishing diplomatic relations 25 years ago, the United States and Armenia have developed a deep friendship and partnership.

On July 18, the USAID-funded Participatory Utilization and Resource Efficiency of Water (PURE Water) project launched its activities in the country by signing Memoranda of Understanding with 12 communities in the Ararat Valley. In attendance at the public event were U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Richard Mills, Jr., USAID/Armenia Mission Director Deborah Grieser, Armenia’s Minister of Nature Protection Artsvik Minasyan, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Armen Harutyunyan, Government of Armenia officials, representatives of the partner communities, local and international organizations.

The U.S. Embassy is hitting the road for two weeks in July to connect with Armenians across the country and to showcase the many areas of enduring partnership and shared interests between Armenia and the United States. The “America on the Road” tour is the centerpiece of our year-long commemoration of the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations and of sincere friendship between our two countries.

On June 27, Nor Gyugh community of Kotayk province celebrated the opening of two specialized agricultural centers, made possible through the joint efforts of the Government of Armenia and international donor and local organizations.

Ties suggest that Tvapatum 2017 is not only about creating media content but also organizing and managing the work of the media. Media management is the key theme of this two-day media conference.
Six leading experts from Germany, USA, Poland, Russia, and the UK will present international best practices in media’s survival, development, and success in the digital environment.
During a public event on May 22, USAID, the Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia (CCHBCA), and the Global Environment Facility’s Small Grants Programme in Armenia (implemented by UNDP) marked the successful completion of a joint water project in Hayanist, Ararat. This is part of USAID’s broader efforts to curb the rate of groundwater abstraction in the Ararat Valley to sustainable levels.

To highlight the role women can and should play in the development of Armenia’s rural regions, U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Richard Mills, Jr. traveled to Gegharqunik province on March 30 and met with female farmers, civic activists and civil society leaders – all beneficiaries and partners of USAID development efforts.
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