Speeches Shim

KUCOVA, ALBANIA On May 22, the Municipality of Kucova and USAID celebrated the 20th anniversary of Kucova Citizen Advisory Panel (CAP). Established with USAID support in 1998, Kuçova’s CAP was the first

TIRANA, ALBANIA USAID and USEUCOM partnered in support of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Act of 2017 to provide a two-day, interactive training to Implementing Partners and staff from USAID and the Government of Albania’s National Countering Violent Extremism Center May 15-16. Ms. Samantha Turner, a WPS Specialist from USEUCOM, led participants in a practical exercise to distill a gender perspective from their PVE priorities in order to build inclusive activities.

TIRANA, ALBANIA The newly established Albanian fact-checking service, “Faktoje”, was formally launched in Tirana last week. As a tool of responsible journalism, Faktoje will increase accountability of politicians and public officials by fact-checking their statements and declarations. The program was developed by two Albanian organizations, Gender Alliance for Development Centre (GADC) and National Centre for Social Studies (NCSS), and supported technically by the USAID-funded Justice for All project.

USAID’s Planning and Local Governance Project (PLGP) and the Ministry of Finance and Economy organized a training session on the new methodology for property taxes on buildings. The project presented the new methodology to 37 managers and representatives of Tax Departments from 18 municipalities.

BULQIZE, ALBANIA USAID’s Planning and Local Governance Project held a two-day workshop in Bulqiza with 25 high school students to support the creation of the Bulqiza Youth Board. The youth board was identified by the Mayor of Bulqiza, Mr. Melaim Damzi, as an opportunity to build local capacities for youth leadership, youth participation in decision-making, and community development. The creation of municipal youth boards can create multigenerational dialogue and empower Albania’s young population.
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