Speeches Shim

To prepare municipalities for the responsibility of financing early childhood education that thats in 2019, Tetra Tech worked with the Albania's Ministry of Finance and Economy and the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth to ensure the transfer of this responsibility from the central government is accompanied by an adequate, transparent, and sustainable financing system.

USAID partner National Democratic Institute organized an exchange visit to Tallinn, Estonia. Representatives of the Central Election Commission, Albania’s Ad-Hoc Committee on Election Reform, and two civil society watchdog organizations to learn about the finance and reporting practices of Estonian political parties.

Journalists from the Balkans Investigative Reporting Network discuss findings of their Monitoring Report on Court Transparency at a confetrence of Chief Judges of 39 Albanian District, Appellate, and Administrative Courts.

USAID partner Creative Business Solutions (CBS) has gone with IntoAlbania.com - a digital tourist platform that seeks to connect worldwide travelers with authentic Albanian destinations and experiences.

Albania’s Ombudsperson, with support from the USAID Transparency in Health Engagement Project implemented University Research Company, has launched the ‘People's Advocate’ Mobile Application.
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