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Speeches Shim

March 25, 2019

With the long-standing ambition of becoming a journalist, Sanam has not let the challenges of a conservative society and cultural practices stand in the way of achieving her dream. Fortunately for Sanam, she was able to overcome her family’s initial resistance to her working in the media due to the presence of a local women-managed media outlet that provided her with a work opportunity.

March 25, 2019

The Federation of Afghan Media Associations and Entities, comprised of fifteen Afghan journalists’ support groups and unions, is an influential mobiliser of the media community in Afghanistan. With the support of the USAID-funded Rasana Program implemented by Internews, three female journalists support groups, the Afghanistan Women Journalists Union, (AWJU) the Centre for the Protection of Afghan Women Journalists, (CPAWJ) and the Association for Women in Radio and TV, (AWRT) developed gender guidelines to create a positive environment for women in the media to actively participate in Federation matters.

March 25, 2019

One of the main challenges the Ministry of Education (MoE) General Directorate of Human Resources faces is the complete disarray of paper-based employee records (SAWANEH). There is no proper filing system in place, and the records are not digitalized, which causes huge problems for the MoE in providing references for inquiries and locating staff records.

March 25, 2019

A standard internal audit system and skilled auditors are crucial piece to ensuring continual improvements and transparency in government. It is particularly important when you are one of the largest entities within the Government of Afghanistan, like the Ministry of Education (MoE) with more than 270,000 employees.

March 25, 2019

USAID’s Afghan Children Read project helped start Teacher Learning Circles (TLCs) in Herat to provide a forum for teachers to discuss the challenges they faced in adopting the Ministry of Education’s new early grade reading model. TLCs are being piloted in several schools, convening teachers for monthly sessions focused on sharing experiences on encouraging students, assessing performance, and utilizing new and interactive teaching methods.
