Flag of Afghanistan

Women’s Empowerment and Gender

Speeches Shim

At USAID, we believe that gender equality and women’s empowerment isn’t a part of development but the core of development.
At USAID, we believe that gender equality and women’s empowerment isn’t a part of development but the core of development.

Our Work

Although Afghanistan faces unique and severe challenges in addressing gender issues, significant progress has been made in women’s health and education. Afghanistan’s future peace and prosperity depends on building an inclusive society that participates in the public and private sectors.

Major Highlights

  • Since 2002, life expectancy among women increased from 47 years old to over 60.
  • Approximately 100,000 women attending university, and about 3.5 million girls are enrolled in school.

Recent Highlights

  • From 2015 to 2018, USAID’s direct women empowerment program served over 61,000 women with leadership skills, business development services, civil service training, job experience, and civil society advocacy that allows women to contribute to their country’s peace and prosperity.
  • In 2018, women businesses negotiated over $5 million in contracts at trade shows that build markets for women's production in food processing, tailoring, fruits and nuts.

Women’s Empowerment

The Promote Women’s Empowerment program supports Afghanistan’s future leaders in government, the economy, and civil society. Promote participants advocate for their own futures, the future of their communities, and the future of all Afghan citizens – men and women.

Cross-Sectoral Support

Trafficking in Persons

USAID supports training for survivors of sex trafficking that will get them off the streets and build their work skills and self-reliance.

Health and Education

USAID is increasing access to education for girls by increasing the number and quality of woman teachers nationwide. University scholarships are moving more women into careers and job placement services are making them more competitive in the job marketplace. USAID saves lives by training female healthcare workers.


USAID targets female farmers and entrepreneurs who are seeking training and financial support.

Economic Growth

USAID established a loan program agreement with a financial and banking company that has a specific loan product that focuses on women entrepreneurs and women owned businesses.


USAID continues to support a Female Engineer Internship Program that increases the number of qualified women in this traditionally male-dominated profession.

Democracy and Governance

USAID partners with the Government of Afghanistan to provide women’s rights awareness for law students and judges, sponsor rountables for public debate on women’s issues and build women’s skills for advocacy and policy reform.

Current Projects:

Completed Projects: