Combating Human Trafficking in Afghanistan

Speeches Shim

  • Duration: 
    Jan 2016 – June 2019
  • Value: $7 Million


Afghanistan is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labour and sex-trafficking. The purpose of the Combating Human Trafficking in Afghanistan activity is to1) raise awareness of the problem, and 2) empower communities to take action and build the capacities within the Government of Afghanistan to implement and oversee The National Action Plan on Countering Trafficking in Persons through effective coordinated partnership with stakeholders in Afghanistan and in the region.

The Combating Human Trafficking in Afghanistan Project, a joint effort by the United States Agency for International Development and International Organization for Migration, prepares Afghan government institutions to effectively participate in the prevention of trafficking, prosecution of traffickers, and protection of victims and improve regional coordination to combat cross-border trafficking.


  • Training: Execute training programs for 2,400 Afghan government and law enforcement officials at the national, provincial, and local levels as well as community elders to help them identify and respond to cases of human trafficking
  • Raising Awareness: Conduct wide-scale information and awareness campaigns to highlight risks and dangers associated with human trafficking and to educate the public and government authorities on ways to provide assistance and protection to victims
  • Research: Publish annual reports on various forms of human trafficking in Afghanistan
  • Protection: Prepare care providers (shelter workers, front line responders, case management workers, and social workers), skills trainers, employers, counselors, education providers, health workers, and legal aid workers to effectively protect victims in high-risk communities; activity includes training/coordination with international non¬-governmental agencies to establish strong referral systems for victims
  • Regional Cooperation: Support organizing regional consultations on migration issues including the prevention of human trafficking as well as assistance and protection at the state level


  • Developed the first counter-trafficking training manual (approved by Afghan government); used to train government officials, NGOs, religious leaders, and academicians to identify, refer, and assist victims of human trafficking (VoTs).
  • Established first national network of Afghan NGOs, Afghanistan Network in Combating Trafficking in Persons (ANCTIP), and a regional NGOs network, Asian Network in Combating Trafficking in Persons (ACTIP)
  • Trained journalists on mainstreaming trafficking in persons (TIP) issue in Afghan
  • National TIP Research conducted in collaboration with high-level TIP commission; research findings under review by the Commission
  • The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) finalized; training in how to use the mechanism and referrals begun
  • First online Afghanistan Integrated Trafficking in Persons (TIP) database has been developed, installed into selected provinces, handed over to the TIP Commission, and introduced to users through various trainings
  • Delivered on-the-job training for 21 Data Specialists on Afghanistan Integrated Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in Kabul and nine provinces; equipped Directorates of Justice in these provinces with IT equipment and internet facilities
  • Approximately 20 million Afghans have received TIP prevention and protection messages, including the most vulnerable (returnees and IDPs)
  • Distributed publicity materials, held sports events and community interactions, and produced radio content to raise awareness of problem
  • Assisted stranded migrants to return to home countries
  • Formed the TIP in Crisis Working Group of international organizations supporting the Afghan government to respond to the protection needs of trafficked persons