Speeches Shim

Associate professor Ngô Viết Quỳnh Trâm is the head of the Microbiology Faculty, Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Hue UMP). Hue UMP is one of ten medical universities in Vietnam promoting medical education reform through USAID’S Improving Access, Curriculum and Teaching in Medical Education and Emerging Diseases (IMPACT-MED) Alliance. In the spring of 2020, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Health distributed guidance on prevention and response on COVID-19 to medical and health professors, including Dr. Trâm. She was then tasked with conveying that guidance on to her students. Concerned over how to best deliver such an extensive amount of content both quickly and efficiently, she turned to her experience over the past three years with IMPACT-MED. Utilizing skills gained from the IMPACT-MED program, she and other colleagues developed learning objectives, proactive assessments and teaching methods to deliver 20 theoretical and practical training courses for 450 final-year medical students from May to June 2020. These comprehensive training courses covered preventive medicine, treatment, and applications in public health, and elicited enthusiastic student feedback. Additional medical residents and post-graduate students also enrolled in the subsequent optional courses offered in July.

Dr. Huỳnh Thị Vân is the Head of the Infection Control and Prevention Department of Binh Dinh Provincial General Hospital, in Binh Dinh Province. Often described by her colleagues as a proactive leader and exuberant learner, Dr. Vân always tries to stay updated on the latest cutting-edge knowledge in medicine. In early 2020, she participated in a program developed by the USAID-supported Improving Access, Curriculum and Teaching in Medical Education and Emerging Diseases (IMPACT-MED) Alliance to train health workers and strengthen health systems in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vũ Đức Huy comes from a remote city in Kon Tum province, a region in the Central Highlands of Vietnam bordering Laos and Cambodia. He has always been dedicated to helping others and volunteered frequently in community initiatives in his hometown. Huy also worked with children and in orphanages, and in 2017, he founded YUU Organization to educate ethnic minority children in the region.

By March, 2020 Vietnam had confirmed its first 100 cases of a novel coronavirus outbreak. Amidst uncertainties surrounding what would become a world-shaking pandemic, the country initiated decisive lockdown and social distancing procedures for businesses and schools alike, a disorienting, confusing period during which students struggled to adapt to online-only education and societal uncertainties. Some students still sought to go beyond their online studies by launching initiatives with the potential for positive impact, such as Ms. Phan Thuc Anh.

As the novel coronavirus spread through Danang City, Mai and three of her classmates from the Danang University of Technology gathered at their university’s USAID-supported Maker Innovation Space to discuss how they could leverage their creativity, diversity, and engineering know-how to protect their community from this deadly virus.
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