Vietnam Program Updates

Speeches Shim

For USAID/Vietnam program updates issued before January 2017, please visit the 2012-2017 Archive Site.

July 18, 2019

Following its official launch on July 10, the USAID Trade Facilitation Program hit the ground running by partnering with the Vietnam Customs School (VCS) to establish an e-study system for customs officials to address critical gaps in knowledge. The General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC) is currently implementing its strategy for customs development through 2020. Revamping training and development is a central feature of this strategy, which will incorporate e-learning and training simulators to build the capacity of GDVC staff and help modernization of customs sector.

July 18, 2019

USAID’s Clean Air Green Cities project addresses air pollution and its health impacts in Hanoi by mobilizing a network of local partners (including youth, schools, communities, civic and social organizations, businesses, and governments) to take collective action and advocate for clean air. On July 4-5, the project, in collaboration with GIZ, the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (Hanoi University of Science and Technology), and experts in the Clean Air - Green City Alliance, organized a media training course themed ‘Understanding Clean Air’ for more than 30 reporters, journalists, and communication staff.

July 18, 2019

For decades, Vietnam’s rehabilitation education and practice mainly focused on physical therapy, creating a  gap in speech and language support. Hence, since 2017, USAID worked with VietHealth, a local NGO, to develop a full-time program on SALT. In June, the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training officially approved a Master’s degree in rehabilitation with a specialization in SALT; the first of its kind in Vietnam.

July 18, 2019

Energy demand in Vietnam is currently increasing by 10 percent annually, making it critical for the country to use modern, clean energy technologies to sustain its impressive economic growth and protect human health and the environment. Hence, for the past three years, USAID’s Vietnam Low Emissions Energy Program (V-LEEP) worked with government regulators, banks, investors, and private sector developers to help facilitate solar investments under a government supported initiative.

July 11, 2019

The USAID Linkages for Small and Medium Enterprises (USAID LinkSME) project aims to strengthen the supplier-buyer relationships between Vietnamese SMEs and foreign firms located in Vietnam. On July 5, the activity participated in the “Supply-Demand Matching Conference in Supporting Industries” organized by the Danang City People’s Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT).
