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USAID works with the Ukrainian government, civil society, non-governmental organizations, and other donors and partners to build Ukraine’s overall health system. We contribute to building a system that serves the people of Ukraine and assures that medical professionals have the tools, knowledge, and resources to provide high quality, modern healthcare to all Ukrainians.
USAID also works to ensure that Ukrainians who have been affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine have access to psychosocial support and treatment that has been effective in other conflict settings, and—with input from local partners—made appropriate for the Ukrainian context.
In addition, USAID focuses on responding to infectious diseases (such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and hepatitis C (HCV)) and improving immunization coverage for diseases such as polio. Ukraine has among the highest burdens of HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and close to the highest rate of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in the world. Through support from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), USAID is responding to the challenges presented by these epidemics. USAID also supports programs to build a routine immunization program in Ukraine, to ensure that Ukraine’s children are protected from preventable diseases such as polio and measles.
Ukraine has the second largest HIV epidemic in the region with nearly 250,000 people living with HIV (PLHIV) – many of whom do not know their HIV status. The epidemic is concentrated among key populations (people who inject drugs, female sex workers, and men who have sex with men). USAID receives support from PEPFAR to provide technical assistance to develop a health system that raises the capacity of Ukrainian organizations to deliver high quality HIV services to all Ukrainians, and links people living with HIV/AIDS to treatment and care. USAID invests in technical assistance to strengthen HIV program governance, financing, and human resources. USAID is also working with partners to improve access to HIV/TB co-infection diagnosis and treatment and better control and prevent TB, which PLHIV are very vulnerable to.
USAID-supported programs reduce HIV-related stigma and discrimination among key populations who are most at risk of contracting HIV, Ukraine’s most-at-risk populations include intravenous drug users (PWID), female sex workers, men who have sex with men, and individuals living with HIV. Our programs address discrimination and stigma – particularly while HIV services are being provided – to make at-risk populations feel more comfortable and more likely to seek services such as anti-retroviral treatment, which can greatly reduce the spread of HIV.
In 2019, 27.2 percent of all new TB cases in Ukraine involved drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). Another 6,225 cases were identified as multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Today, only 76 percent of TB cases are successfully treated in Ukraine because patients either stop treatment prematurely; receive treatment too late; are diagnosed with HIV, which makes people especially vulnerable to TB and can lead to serious complications; and the high prevalence of MDR-TB, which is difficult to treat. USAID is working together with other U.S. government agencies and other partners to contain the spread TB in Ukraine.
Ukraine has among the lowest rates of routine immunization in the world due to a lack of available vaccines and distrust of vaccinations by parents and medical providers. USAID is working with partners to share evidence-based information about the usefulness of vaccines with health providers and parents, to ensure the availability of high quality vaccines, and to create a national immunization schedule.
Mental Health and Disabilities
The conflict in eastern Ukraine has taken its toll on the mental and psycho-social health of affected individuals. The lack of consistent standards and effective referral network has left conflict-affected populations vulnerable to long-term mental health problems.
USAID Health Reform Support
Implementer: Deloitte Consulting LLP
Project Period: April 27, 2018 – April 26, 2023
HRS supports the development of a transparent, accountable, and effective health care system capable of meeting the health needs of the Ukrainian people. It partners with the Ministry of Health, the National Health Service of Ukraine, and civil society to advance health sector reforms, tackle widespread corruption, and enhance transparency to improve access to health care and the availability of high quality health care services for Ukrainians. The activity seeks to improve health sector governance; support the transformation of the healthcare financing model; strengthen the professional workforce; enhance transparency, accountability and responsiveness of the health care system; and improve service delivery systems at all levels.
Safe, Affordable, and Effective Medicines for Ukrainians (SAFEMed) Project
Implementer: Management Sciences for Health (MSH)
Project Period: September 1, 2017 – May 31, 2022
SafeMed is contributing to building Ukraine’s health care system to meet the needs of its citizens by strengthening the pharmaceutical system to ensure transparency and cost-efficiency. The activity is improving public procurement of medicines and health commodities (such as essential HIV, tuberculosis, and HCV medications, as well as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to treat substance abuse) at the best prices and contributing to creating a longer-term plan to sustain pharmaceutical financing and strengthen rational pharmaceutical management and the pharmaceutical supply chain.
Supporting eHealth Infrastructure Development in Ukraine
Implementer: CO “100 Percent Life”
Project Period: September 28, 2018 – September 27, 2021
The Supporting eHealth Infrastructure Development in Ukraine activity is strengthening Ukraine’s eHealth system and contributing to reduced corruption through support for the national eHealth system. The Program assists Ukraine’s Ministry of Health and its State Owned Enterprise on eHealth (SOE), to manage and oversee financial investments to eHealth system development and upgrading. The eHealth system in Ukraine is a central driver of health sector reform, making the system more transparent and efficient and resulting in improvements in governance, financing, and service provision.
Implementer: CO “100 Percent Life”
Project Period: September 27, 2017 – September 26, 2022
HealthLink will accelerate Ukraine’s efforts to end HIV as a public health threat by 2030 through focused targeting of people living with HIV and key populations (who are most at risk of contracting HIV) by: increasing the demand for and access to HIV services; increasing the number of PLHIV who know their status and are linked to care; improving delivery of HIV services; and reducing stigma and discrimination.
Serving Life
Implementer: PATH
Project Period: September 27, 2017 – September 26, 2022
Serving Life will reduce HIV, tuberculosis, and HCV transmission through the improved detection, care, and treatment of people living with HIV, TB, and HCV in pre-trial detention centers, prisons, and post-prison settings in Ukraine. PATH will implement the activity in 12 oblasts with the highest HIV, TB, and HIV/TB co-infection rates: Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Kyiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhya, Kirovograd, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, and Poltava.
Support TB Control Efforts in Ukraine
Implementer: PATH
Project Period: October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2024
The Support TB Control Efforts in Ukraine activity is reducing the TB epidemic in Ukraine through early detection, appropriate care, and prevention for people living with TB, Drug Resistant (DR)-TB and HIV/TB. The activity works at the primary health care level with TB facilities in 12 selected oblasts of Ukraine with the highest TB, DR-TB and HIV/TB co-infection rates and medical training centers nationwide. The activity is increasing case detection and improving diagnostics, treatment, and care for patients living with TB, DR-TB and HIV/TB co-infection. The activity is working in close cooperation with and in support of the National Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The activity is also involved in improving the system for TB, DR-TB diagnosis, including contact tracing, treatment initiation, treatment completion,and improved data reporting, collection and analysis.
SOCIAL SECTOR (Mental Health and Disabilities):
Enhancing Torture Survivor Mental Health Services
Implementer: Johns Hopkins University
Project Period: September 30, 2015 – June 30, 2021
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health is partnering with the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy to implement USAID’s Enhancing Torture Survivor Mental Health Services activity. The activity alleviates the mental health effects of traumatic events among conflict-affected population groups (veterans and IDPs) and their family members, and contributes to the development and strengthening of an accessible and equitable community-based mental health care system. The activity piloted the Combined Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) model, a non-medicalized model of treatment of mental health disorders (depression, anxiety and post-traumatic syndrome disorder), in Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Kharkiv, based on cognitive-behavioral therapy. The research results indicated the success of this treatment model in Ukraine and demonstrated positive impact on reduction of symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD in project clients and functioning of veterans and members of their families. The activity is currently scaling up to an additional seven oblasts: Kherson, Poltava, Mykolayiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kyiv, while training veterans organizations, preparing counsellors to sustain the CETA model in Ukraine and working with Kyiv-Mohyla University to strengthen its CETA-based certification programs. There are over 70 counselors across Ukraine trained by the activity who are implementing CETA model and providing counseling to their clients affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Strengthening Rehabilitation Services in Health Systems (SRSHS)
Implementer: UCP Wheels for Humanity (funding through Leahy War Victims Fund)
Project Period April 1, 2019 – June 30, 2022
The Strengthening Rehabilitation Services in Health Systems activity is introducing the most current practices and thinking to physical therapists in Ukraine; supporting the development and implementation of national rehabilitation policies, regulations, and protocols and generating greater demand for rehabilitation services at the community level. The project is raising awareness and strengthening cooperation among rehabilitation service providers in selected regions, such as Kyiv, Lviv, and Zaporizhzhia. The activity works closely with the World Health Organization to develop a strategy for rehabilitation services and supports the Ministry of Health in implementing rehabilitation reform. It is also developing an information campaign to communicate the role and importance of rehabilitation services at the primary health care level.
Fighting Misinformation About Vaccines Project
Implementer: UNICEF
Project Period: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2021
Through this activity, USAID is contributing to improvements in the supply and demand for vaccinations by strengthening effective communication, including at the community level. The activity is generating more advocacy and an objective public dialogue on immunization within the context of ongoing health reform; helping to counter misinformation about vaccines through tailored and evidence-based communication and community engagement; and strengthening the ability of health officials to plan, forecast, and manage vaccines at the regional and community levels.
Immunization Strengthening Support to Ukraine Activity
Implementer: Center for Disease Control, Atlanta
Project Period: July 1, 2019 – September 30, 2022
This activity is focused on improving the performance of immunization systems in Ukraine, strengthening coordination among health care institutions/organizations and the work done through national advisory bodies, and increasing the demand for and utilization of immunization services. To achieve these objectives and improve surveillance systems, the Center for Disease Control is providing technical expertise on effective immunization processes and vaccine preventable diseases to the Ministry of Health, the Immunization Unit of the Center for Public Health, and regional Public Health Centers.
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