Flag of Afghanistan

Inquiry Responses

Speeches Shim

March 22, 2017 - Mission Response to Draft SIGAR Review Report titled
"Schools in Balkh Province: Observations From Site Visits at 26 Schools"
[PDF, 197k]

January 30, 2017 - Mission Response to Draft SIGAR Report titled "Land Reform in Afghanistan: Full Impact and Sustainability of $41.2 Million USAID Program is Unknown" [PDF, 223k]

January 9, 2017 - Mission Response to Draft SIGAR Report titled: "Afghanistan's Health Care Sector: USAID's Use of Unreliable Data to Assess Program Performance Raises Questions About the Extent of Progress" [PDF, 658k]

December 29, 2016 -Mission Response to SIGAR Inquiry Letter titled: Promoting Gender Equity in National Priority Programs [PDF, 282k]

November 29, 2016 - Mission Response to Draft SIGAR Review Letter titled: USAID-Supported Health Facilities in Baghlan [PDF, 103k]

November 2, 2016 - Mission Response to Draft SIGAR Review titled: "Schools in Herat Province: Observations from Site Visits at 25 Schools" [PDF, 163k]

October 20, 2016 - Mission Response to Draft SIGAR Report titled "USAID's Measuring Impacts of Stabilization Initiatives: Program Generally Achieved Its Objectives, but USAID's Lack of a Geospatial Data Policy and Standards Affected Its Implementation" [PDF, 621k]

October 18, 2016 - Mission Response to Draft SI GAR Report titled "Afghanistan's Road Infrastructure: Sustainment Challenges and Lack of Repairs Put Nearly $3 Billion U.S. Investment at Risk" [PDF, 119k]

September 20, 2016 - Mission Response to Draft SIGAR Inquiry Letter 16-57-SP on USAID's Involvement in MEC MoPH Assessment [PDF, 332k]

September 8, 2016 - Mission Response to Draft SIGAR Review titled: "Afghanistan's High Office of Oversight: Personal Asset Declarations of High Ranking Afghan Government Officials Are Not Being Consistently Registered and Verified" [PDF, 118k]

July 24, 2016 - Mission Response to Draft SIGAR Report titled "Gardez Hospital: This $14.6 Million Hospital Took Over 5 Years to Complete and Has Construction Deficiencies That Need to be Addressed" [PDF, 237k]

July 3, 2016 - USAID Response to Draft SIGAR Report titled "Bagrami Industrial Park: Lack of Adherence to Contract Requirements Left this $5.2 Million Park without Adequate Water Supply and Sewer Systems" [PDF, 129K]

June 23, 2016 - USAID Response to Draft SIGAR Review Letter titled "USAID-Supported Health Facilities in Badakhshan" [PDF, 123K]

May 17, 2016 - USAID Response to Draft SIGAR Alert Letter titled "Structural Damage at Educational Facility S 145A" [PDF, 65K]

April 24, 2016 - USAID Response to SIGAR Audit Afghanistan's Education Sector [PDF, 328K]

January 4, 2016 - USAID Afghanistan’s response to SIGAR 16-90-SP Review Letter on USAID-Supported Health Facilities in Kabul [PDF, 361K]

December 6, 2015 - USAID Response to SIGAR Audit Afghanistan's Oil Gas and Minerals Industries [PDF, 383K]

July 1, 2015 - USAID Response to SIGAR Inquiry Letter PCH Health Facilities Coordinates [PDF, 256K]

June 30, 2015 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - Education Data [PDF, 2.5MB]

June 26, 2015 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - Tarakhil Power Plant [PDF, 79K]

May 19, 2015 - Joint Embassy Response to SIGAR Audit - Rule of Law [PDF, 2.4MB]

May 15, 2015 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - Kandahar Bridging Solution [PDF, 1.6MB]

April 15, 2015 - USAID Response to SIGAR Audit - Extractive Industries Part 1 [PDF, 1.1MB]

April 13, 2015 - USAID Response to SIGAR Inspection - Shorandam Industrial Park Inspection [PDF, 305K]

April 10, 2015 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - Promoting Gender Equity in National Priority Programs (Promote) [PDF, 3.9MB]

March 19, 2015 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - Afghan Customs Revenue [PDF, 435K]

January 17, 2015 - USAID Response to SIGAR Inspection - Gorimar Industrial Park Inspection [PDF, 444K]

November 19, 2014 - Joint Embassy Response to SIGAR Audit - Afghan Women [PDF, 3.3MB]

October 29, 2014 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - Questioned Costs [PDF, 1.5MB]

October 7, 2014 - Joint Response to SIGAR Letter - Contract Terminations due to Security Changes [PDF, 32K]

October 3, 2014 - USAID Response to SIGAR Report - Direct Assistance [PDF, 1.5MB]

September 22, 2014 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - Korak Uzbeki School Collapse [PDF, 383K]

September 18, 2014 - USAID Response to SIGAR Report - More than 80 Percent of All SIGAR Audit and Inspection Report Recommendations Have Been Implemented [PDF, 343K]

June 26, 2014 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - Maintenance of US Funded Roads [PDF, 326K]

May 31, 2014 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - NGO Vetting Reporting [PDF, 2.1MB]

March 28, 2014 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - Kajaki Unit 2 Turbine Installation Project [PDF, 233K]

January 15, 2014 - USAID Response to SIGAR Audit - Balkh Education Facility [PDF, 468K]

January 8, 2014 - USAID Response to SIGAR Letter - Kajaki Unit 2 Turbine Installation Project [PDF, 474K]