
Speeches Shim

Administrator Green visit to El Fasher, North Darfur

USAID policies, strategies, frameworks and visions are developed in close partnership with Washington bureaus, international field missions and other partners. They codify the Agency's corporate position in key areas, based on evidence and analysis, and provide guidance to the field. All current development policy statements are listed in the USAID Policy Registry.

U.S. Development Policy in Context

USAID development policy supports the objectives of the National Security Strategy and other strategic documents, such as the Department of State-USAID Joint Strategic Plan, that aim to strengthen our diplomatic and development capabilities to better meet our foreign policy goals. Leading through civilian power means directing and coordinating the resources of all America's civilian agencies to prevent and resolve conflicts; help countries lift themselves out of poverty into prosperous, stable and democratic states; and build global coalitions to address global problems. 

The USAID Policy Framework operationalizes the Administration’s policy guidance, clarifies USAID’s core development priorities and explains how operational principles will be applied across the Agency. 

USAID policies, strategies and visions expand upon our development priorities and further support our efforts to achieve the Agency's mission.

Policies, Strategies, and Visions

The scope, intent and composition of USAID policies, strategies and visions vary according to subject matter and issue area. They are intended to convey the thinking of the Agency’s leadership and, in some cases, make Agency commitments to key stakeholders. As such, they seek to improve the effectiveness of USAID’s development programs. Policies, strategies and visions are developed according to a common set of procedures (ADS 200) that ensure they are grounded in the best available evidence, reflect good development practice and clearly articulate the agency's collective vision. They illustrate USAID's understanding of the nature of challenges within a certain theme and the best approaches for accomplishing Agency goals in this area. Where necessary, USAID provides more operational guidance on implementing specific policies or strategies through internal regulations.