Flag of Paraguay


Speeches Shim

July 6, 2018

USAID/Paraguay is requesting quotations from interested individuals/organizations to undertake a Performance Evaluation of the Inclusive Education and Sports Project implemented by Fundación Saraki.  This project is piloting a model for inclusive education and sports in select public and private schools, and raising awareness and public support to advance inclusive education policies. 

Attached is the full RFQ available for download.

The deadline for submitting proposals is July 19, 2018 by 4:00 PM.

May 24, 2018


February 18, 2016

The main goal of USAID/Paraguay's CDCS is to create "a more prosperous, well-governed democracy in Paraguay." This project aligns directly with the Mission's DRG strategy, which focuses primarily on improving the government's effectiveness by developing its institutional capacity and increasing accountability mechanisms, shifting the incentive structure and reducing opportunities for corruption.

October 7, 2015

USAID/Paraguay’s strategy will align with two of the four pillars of President Obama’s framework for U.S. policy toward Latin America (strengthening effective institutions of democratic governance and promoting economic and social opportunity). Additionally, the CDCS aligns with three of the four goals of the WHA/LAC Joint Regional Strategy: 1) increased citizen security and effective democratic institutions and governance; 2) social equity for the peoples of the Americas; and 3) expanded economic opportunity.

January 17, 2014

This country overview provides a high-level profile of the structure and the performance of Paraguay's tax system.  Specifically, it examines the evolution of revenue in recent years, recent tax reforms, the tax structure, and the revenue performance across different taxes based on a series of quantitative and qualitative indicators. In examining these points, comparative data helps place Paraguay within the context of other countries in the LAC region, countries in the same income group, and the rest of the world.  
