Speeches Shim
Tuberculosis (TB) in prisons and dropping out of TB treatment by post-released convicts along with the spread of drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) and TB/HIV among prisoners are one of the most socio-medical problems in penal and civilian health sectors of Tajikistan.
The Strategic Advocacy Approaches project is a 4.5-year, $2 million initiative intended to improve cooperation between citizens, civil society and government on identified issues of concern, therefore strengthening participatory democracy in Serbia. The project will help improve the capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to strategically implement advocacy initiatives, engage citizens and mobilize local resources. The project will also help advance the enabling environment for advocacy in Serbia.
Mitigate the adverse social and economic impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations in Peru, particularly within indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon is critical. USAID and the Alliance support the Government of Peru to adequately respond to COVID- 19 crisis, particularly in under-resourced Amazon regions of Peru.
This activity seeks to reduce the impacts of the disease through an approach that integrates communication for behavior change / social change and the active participation of the organized community.
Likewise, orientation, counseling and emotional containment services will be provided to the most vulnerable populations, and economic recovery initiatives will be supported for families living in communities in priority geographic areas, taking into account their needs and idiosyncrasies.
This program provides technical assistance to strengthen Angolan public sector capacity in planning, preparation and implementation of more transparent budgets. This Public Financial Management training program was developed collaboratively with the Ministry of Finance and is carried out jointly with the recently created GRA’s training school “Escola Nacional de Administração e Políticas Públicas – ENAPP”. The program objective is to strengthen public financial management systems in Angola.
On August 5, U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo announced an additional $53 million to support the global response to COVID-19, bringing total pledged DoS and USAID funding to more than $1.6 billion. To date, pledged funding from USAID includes $299 million in assistance from USAID’s Global Health Emergency Reserve Fund for Contagious Infectious-Disease Outbreaks (ERF-USAID), approximately $235 million in Global Health Programs (GHP-USAID) funds, $558 million in humanitarian assistance from USAID’s International Disaster Assistance (IDA) account, and $243 million from the Economic Support Fund (ESF).
USAID provides assistance to the CASA-1000 project through its support for a Secretariat. The Secretariat is providing assistance in coordinating the procurement, construction and establishment of power transmission infrastructure, as well as commercial and institutional arrangements, to facilitate this regional and cross-border electricity trade between Central and South Asia. The project serves as a critical first step toward deepening regional energy cooperation and establishing stronger prospects for cross-border electricity trade.
USAID partner with Socios en Salud, the Peruvian affiliate of the U.S. non-profit organization Partners in Health, responds to COVID-19 in Peru.
This Alliance supports aggressive contact tracing, community mobilization, and systematic screening and isolation to prevent community spread of COVID-19. The $3.83 million investment from USAID mobilizes additional $1 million from Boston-based Partners in Health.
As of November 2020, the U.S. Government has allocated more than $30.3 million in new resources to assist Peru in its emergency response to COVID-19. The aid continues a strong history of investing in Peru’s health care systems and long-term development, mainly through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Ongoing U.S. Government-funded programs and partners are also adapting activities to respond to this unprecedented crisis. Over the last 20 years, U.S. assistance to Peru totals more than $3.5 billion, including $265 million in the health sector. Emergency assistance comes from USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, the Department of Defense Humanitarian Assistance Program, and the Department of State’s Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance fund.
The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) in cooperation with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has established a new Central Asia Partnership within its Energy Regulatory Partnership Program (ERPP). This partnership is designed to strengthen the capacity of energy sector regulatory authorities in effectively providing acute oversight of utilities and subsequently attracting investment while protecting consumers’ interests. The partnership will achieve these goals through providing technical assistance and capacity building to regulatory agencies and relevant ministries in the region to move toward transparent and cost-reflective energy pricing. It will help countries review and improve vulnerable customer policies, support the advancement and development of energy markets, and, where possible, support the capacity and independence of regulators.
Providing secure and reliable access to energy is critical to economic growth, while diversifying energy sources strengthens energy security. In Central Asia, increased deployment of renewable generation and enhanced opportunities for cross-border power trade can help the regional governments solve their most urgent energy security challenges and achieve sustainable development goals.
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