Fact Sheets

Speeches Shim

The Government of Uzbekistan Ministry of Public Education is committed to an ambitious program of systematic and comprehensive reforms. Uzbekistan is working to create an education system that can produce graduates with the critical thinking, problem solving, and practical skills that will enable them to succeed. The reform agenda is intended to transform the instructional practices of the teaching workforce, moving away from a focus on rote and fact learning toward enhancing students’ ability to apply knowledge.


USAID is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic with decisive action in India. Our priorities are to protect the safety and health security of Indians and support India in its response to this highly infectious disease. The U.S. Government, through USAID, has provided $5.9 million to assist India in responding to the outbreak.

The Comprehensive WASH Support to Conflict Affected Populations in Yemen (CWS) project improves access to safe and adequate water supply and basic sanitation infrastructure for households, health facilities, schools. The project builds resiliency through complementary hygiene practices to maximize and enhance health-seeking behaviors among the most vulnerable communities.

The United States continues to lead in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, illustrated by recent announcements of new foreign assistance that are made possible through the American people’s generosity and the U.S. Government’s action. The American people have given more than $11 billion that will benefit the global COVID-19 response, and we continue to ensure that the substantial U.S. funding and scientific efforts on this front remain a central and coordinated part of the worldwide effort against the disease. Months into fighting this pandemic at home and abroad, the United States continues to lead a global response—building on decades of investment in life-saving health and humanitarian assistance.

The Republic of Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Public Education (MPE) is embarking on a complete reform of the education sector. The MPE, which has responsibility for primary and general secondary education, has requested USAID’s assistance to support and advise those reform efforts in creating a more effective and transparent basic education system. USAID is providing national level surveys, the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA).

For nearly 70 years, USAID has partnered with the Government of Jordan to strengthen the Kingdom’s water security by expanding and rehabilitating water supply systems, training hundreds of water experts, and building and renovating water networks and water and wastewater treatment plants. Today, USAID continues this partnership by improving water and wastewater infrastructure, strengthening water governance, and promoting water conservation so that the people of Jordan have sustainable access to water in order to help build strong, prosperous communities.

Through the American people’s generosity and the U.S. Government’s action, the United States continues to demonstrate global leadership in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The American people have given more than $10 billion that will benefit the global COVID-19 response, and we continue to ensure that the substantial U.S. funding and scientific efforts on this front remain a central and coordinated part of the worldwide effort against COVID-19.

Jordan has made important progress expanding access to quality water, education, and health services. It boasts a youthful workforce, vibrant local business community, growing civil society, and increasing capacity for good governance. However, unemployment is high, particularly among women and youth, and the rapidly growing population and influx of refugees from regional crises are straining the country’s limited resources, threatening to derail the country’s continued development. The United States has partnered with Jordan to expand basic infrastructure, support good governance, and promote investment and the growth of industries, trade, entrepreneurship, and tourism. Today, USAID remains committed to supporting Jordan’s economic stability, security, and self-reliance by accelerating economic growth, strengthening democratic governance and accountability, and improving essential service delivery to meet the needs of the people of Jordan.

The Addressing WASH Services in Yemen project focuses on the most vulnerable internally displaced persons and host-community households in targeted districts and governorates. The project improves vulnerable populations’ access to adequate water and sanitation systems and increases their awareness and knowledge of hygiene practices. The project also builds the capacities of public and private service providers.
