Speeches Shim
Immediately after a disaster, access to safe drinking water is crucial to protect the health of affected populations and prevent water-borne disease outbreaks. After Category 4 Hurricane Mathew made landfall in southwestern Haiti on October 4, 2016, severely damaging water and sanitation infrastructure, USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) prioritized the fast provision of safe drinking water throughout acutely affected areas.
Hurricane Matthew, a Category 4 storm, struck the central Caribbean on October 4-6, 2016. In advance of the storm’s arrival, USAID activated a regional Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) on October 3. The DART – which at its height comprised of more than 70 people—led the U.S. humanitarian response efforts in coordination with affected governments. The majority of the U.S. response was focused on Haiti, which sustained the most damage from hurricane.
WFP continues second-round food distributions in hurricane-affected areas of Haiti. Response actors coordinate assistance for families vacating temporary shelters. USAID/OFDA shelter partners launch “build back safer” initiative.
WFP reaches 99 percent of Haitians in need of emergency food assistance. Relief actors facilitate access to safe drinking water for an estimated 744,000 people Number of suspected cholera cases reported in Grand’Anse and Sud continues to decline.
Most local markets in Grand’Anse and Sud reopen, WFP reports. WFP reaches approximately 730,000 people with emergency food assistance. USAID/OFDA provides an additional $2 million for shelter interventions in Sud.
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