Hurricane Matthew

  • The U.S. Government quickly assisted the governments and citizens of countries affected by Hurricane Matthew.

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USAID/OFDA disaster consultants Ralph Simon (middle) and Marc-Henry Beauzile (right) assess the needs of families.
USAID/OFDA disaster consultants Ralph Simon (middle) and Marc-Henry Beauzile (right) assess the needs of families staying at a school in Grand’Anse Department to determine how USAID can best assist people displaced by Hurricane Matthew.
Irene Gago, USAID

USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance deployed an elite Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to the central Caribbean on October 3 in advance of Hurricane Matthew’s arrival. This elite team of disaster experts began conducting disaster assessments and coordinating response activities with the governments of the affected countries and humanitarian organizations on the ground as soon as conditions allowed.

USAID also strategically pre-positioned emergency relief supplies -- including shelter materials, blankets, hygiene kits, household items, and water purification equipment – in Haiti to ensure they were available to help the affected communities.

Latest News

10/3/2017: One Year Later- Hurricane Matthew Response & Recovery

To date, in response to Hurricane Matthew, the U.S. Government has provided $105.1 million in funding, including $11 million from the U.S. Department of Defense and $94.1 million from USAID. USAID's assistance is carried out by more than 20 implementing partners and local organizations based in the hurricane-affected southwestern departments of the Grand Anse, Nippes and Sud.

4/27/2017: Hurricane Matthew Response & Recovery April 2017

To date, in response to Hurricane Matthew, the U.S. Government has committed $101.3 million in funding, including $42.6 million from USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP), approximately $39 million from USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), $11 million from the U.S. Department of Defense, and $8.7 million from the USAID Mission in Haiti.

4/6/2017: Caribbean Hurricane Matthew - Fact Sheet #19

WFP has reached nearly 925,000 people with food assistance since Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti in October 2016. Suspected cholera cases continue to decline, reaching lowest monthly caseload since August 2015. USAID programming in Haiti reaches more than 16,600 smallholder farmers with seeds and other agricultural inputs

2/22/2017: Success Story: Haiti - USAID Helps Haitian Families Return Home After Hurricane Matthew

After Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti in October 2016, response actors estimated that as many as 35,000 families—approximately 175,000 people—in Grand’Anse and Sud departments whose homes were damaged or destroyed relocated to temporary shelters. USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) responded by distributing emergency shelter supplies, including plastic sheeting and shelter repair kits, to help displaced households return home quickly.

2/06/2017: Caribbean Hurricane Matthew - Fact Sheet #18

Food security improves substantially in hurricane-affected areas, WFP reports. USAID/OFDA partners assist more than 15,000 displaced people to return home. USAID/OFDA provides additional $2.5 million for hurricane-affected families. Number of suspected cholera cases continues to decline

01/25/2017: Success Story: Haiti - Providing Clean Water to Hurricane-Affected Families

Immediately after a disaster, access to safe drinking water is crucial to protect the health of affected populations and prevent water-borne disease outbreaks.

After Category 4 Hurricane Mathew made landfall in southwestern Haiti on October 4, 2016, severely damaging water and sanitation infrastructure, USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) prioritized the fast provision of safe drinking water throughout acutely affected areas.

More updates on Hurricane Matthew


How You Can Help

The best way to help those affected by a disaster overseas is to make a monetary donation to a reputable humanitarian organization working in the disaster zone.

As a U.S. government agency, USAID does not accept donations for its crisis response effort. Organizations listed below are experienced and are participating directly in Hurricane Matthew relief efforts.

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