Speeches Shim

USAID/Liberia Mission Director, Sara Walter, says USAID remains committed to working with its Liberian partners and all stakeholders in the health sector to help Liberia achieve the goal of building a stronger, more resilient, and responsive health system. Speaking during a closeout event to mark the successful completion of its six-year Partnership for Advancing Community Based Services Activity (PACS), Director Walter shared the successful results the project achieved in assisting the health sector over the years.
The United States Government, represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is seeking offers from qualified persons to provide personal services under contract as described in this solicitation. The Senior County Health Services Advisor will be based in the USAID/Liberia Mission in Monrovia. The incumbent is a recognized expert in the field of public health in Liberia, particularly in primary health care service delivery and reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH).

The United States Government has committed $1,000,000 in health funds to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Liberia.

The United States has donated 1,200 Viral Test Medium to help Liberia respond to the COVID-19 outbreak in the country. The Medium will be used to store and transport COVID-19 test samples so that they are not contaminated. This significantly increases the chance of recovering the COVID-19 Virus if it is present in the samples, thereby helping to ensure the accuracy of COVID testing.

USAID Liberia Mission Director, Sara Walter, has hailed national efforts to investigate and bring an end to human trafficking in Liberia. Speaking yesterday at a program in Monrovia to mark the Day of the African Child, Mission Director Walter said, “Over the past year, there has been an increase in the number of investigations of human trafficking and the number of child victims identified.” She attributed the increased investigations to the strong partnership between the Governments of Liberia and the United States to fight trafficking in persons, especially child trafficking. Despite
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