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The U.S. government has so far allocated more than $12 billion that will benefit the global COVID-19 response, and we continue to ensure that the substantial U.S. funding and scientific efforts on this front remain a central and coordinated part of the worldwide effort against the disease.

USAIDдин «Жигердүү жарандар» долбоору жергиликтүү маселелерди чечүү үчүн жарандар, жергиликтүү бийлик органдар, бейөкмөт уюмдар жана жеке сектор арасындагы кызматташууга жардам берет.

In response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the U.S. Department of State (DoS) and USAID continue to announce emergency funding to assist the world’s most vulnerable countries in fighting the outbreak.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the U.S. Government has committed more than $775 million in emergency health, humanitarian, economic and development assistance specifically aimed at helping governments, international organizations, and NGOs fight the pandemic. 

USAIDдин «Окуу керемет!» долбоору Кыргызстанда башталгыч мектептердеги 300 миң окуучунун математика жана окуу сабактары боюнча жетишкендиктерин жогорулатууга багытталган. Долбоор КР Билим берүү жана илим министрлиги менен биргеликте 1687 мектепте ишке ашырлып жатат.

In response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the U.S. Department of State (DoS) and USAID announced $100 million in emergency health funding, under USAID’s Emergency Reserve Fund (ERF-USAID) on February 7, to assist the world’s most vulnerable countries in fighting the COVID-19 outbreak.

USAIDдин «Кургак учукту айыктыруу» долбоору – бул Кыргызстандын Өкмөтүнө кургак учуктун дары-дармектерге туруктуу формасын аныктоону жана дарылоону жакшыртууда көмөк көрсөтүүгө багытталган долбоор. Бул долбоордун алкагында, беш жылда 18,5 млн. АКШ доллары өлчөмүндөгү акча бөлүнөт.

In Zambia, it is estimated that there are approximately 1.3 million orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) who are infected with, or affected by, HIV.  The USAID Zambia Family (ZAMFAM) project provides holistic, needs-based services to vulnerable children, adolescents, and their caregivers. Focusing their work in areas hardest hit by HIV/AIDS, ZAMFAM mitigates social, emotional and economic impacts of the epidemic by reducing risk and vulnerability and increasing resilience. In select districts, ZAMFAM also serves as an implementing partner under the Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS- Free, Mentored, Safe (DREAMS) project.

Through AGIS, USAID is promoting strong and sustainable oversight of public resources to advance better health and education outcomes. With a rich democratic history, Zambia is well-placed to build citizen-responsive systems of governance that advance the nation’s development priorities and reduce donor dependency. Through AGIS, USAID also works with Zambian citizens and government to combat corruption, strengthen government systems, protect human rights, and promote productive civic engagement.

The Open Doors project is focused on increasing access to, and use of, comprehensive HIV prevention, care and treatment services for key populations in Zambia. Globally, key populations are defined as a group who, due to specific higher-risk behaviors, are at increased risk of HIV infection. This includes female sex workers, men who have sex with men, injection-drug users, and transgender individuals.  As a direct result of their lifestyle, key populations are frequently stigmatized and criminalized, which limits their access to HIV and other health services. Across Open Doors project sites, it is estimated that there are approximately 57,268 members of these key populations alone. 
