Public Pulse Surveys Kosovo Citizens During Pandemic

Speeches Shim

Monday, July 6, 2020
Image of Public Pulse Survey Report

UNDP Kosovo completed the 18th edition of the USAID-funded Public Pulse survey during the height of the pandemic-related movement restrictions.  After a quick adaptation of research methods, Public Pulse surveyed 1,306 Kosovo citizens through telephone interviews instead of face-to-face meetings.  Survey respondents from all Kosovo municipalities answered questions regarding their perceptions of democratic processes and institutions in Kosovo, socio-economic conditions, security, environment, and the COVID-19 pandemic.  The poll was conducted in March-April 2020, during the Kurti administration.  

Even with the challenge of reduced operations, citizen satisfaction with most of Kosovo’s institutions reached record highs in April 2020.  When asked about their reaction to institutional responses to the COVID-19 crisis, eight out of ten respondents reported that they were satisfied with the government’s response.  Levels of satisfaction with the work of key executive and legislative institutions were the highest recorded by Public Pulse polls since 2010.  However, the majority of survey respondents reported negative impacts of COVID-19 on their economic well-being and mental health, as well as dissatisfaction with the political direction of Kosovo. Click here for the full report