Speeches Shim

The pandemic has added additional strains on an already weak business environment in Kosovo. Some businesses have risen to the challenge, innovating and adapting their production to better meet the current needs of the market. One such company is Cicili, a local producer of clothing for babies and children, which employed six interns as part of USAID’s New Opportunities for Economy in North.
Masks are increasingly in demand across the country, specifically in institutions, such as the Kosovo Police and municipal administrations, which require in-person staff to remain fully operational. Responding to this need, the company, based in Leposavic, began producing masks. Cicili secured a contract from the Kosovo Police and Leposavic municipality for the production of 3,000 masks, which allowed them to both contribute to Kosovo’s resilience to the pandemic, and ensure the continued operation of their company during the economic downturn. As of early July, Cicili has produced over 8,000 masks. Cicili is one of many companies in Kosovo that have met the challenges of the pandemic head on and are rapidly adapting their business models to the needs of the market. Examples, such as Cicili, show the resilience of Kosovo businesses in responding, adapting, and succeeding despite a global pandemic.
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