Kosovë Operator Sistemi, Transmisioni dhe Tregu (KOSTT), Kosovo

Speeches Shim

Engendering Utilities Partner Profile

KOSTT operates Kosovo’s electricity transmission and distribution system, which also serves as an important hub for Southeast Europe. In 2019, 18 percent of the company’s 340 employees were women. USAID is proud to work with KOSTT in their commitment to improve gender equality in the energy sector as part of their path to long-term success.

Kosovo has around 960 MW of installed electricity generation capacity, primarily from two coal-fired power plants: Kosovo A and Kosovo B. Renewable energy (mostly hydropower) accounts for approximately five percent (94.6 MW) of installed capacity, which Kosovo intends to increase to 25 percent by 2020 through the National Renewable Energy Action Plan. In early 2018, Kosovo’s Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj announced plans to open the energy market to solar and wind power.

Kosovo’s energy sector remains male-dominated. Only one in five females of working-age are active in Kosovo’s labor market, compared with about 65.7 percent of working-age males. Consequently, Kosovo faces one of the lowest female labor force participation rates in the world – well below other Western Balkan countries. A study by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare found that Kosovar women express nearly the same desire to work that men do, but feel reluctant and doubtful about their opportunities.

USAID is partnering with KOSTT through the Engendering Utilities program to assist in the development and implementation of their tailored action plan to incorporate gender equity into their business practices. Through Engendering Utilities, USAID is providing coaching to KOSTT staff on gender equality and business best practices and select utility personnel participated in a 12-month Gender Equity Executive Leadership Program in collaboration with Georgetown University.

With the support of their dedicated change management coach, KOSTT identified specific areas for improvement, including the need to update their communications strategy and website to attract a more diverse talent pool, engagement of male champions for gender equality, and development of a gender equity policy.

USAID’s Engendering Utilities program works with organizations in male-dominated industries to increase economic opportunities for women, improve gender equality, boost business performance, and strengthen economies. Through a customized best practices framework, demand-driven coaching, and a Gender Equity Executive Leadership Program, Engendering Utilities builds the capacity of leaders to implement gender equality interventions that increase the professional participation of women and meet their core business goals.

Launched in 2015, the Engendering Utilities program demonstrates USAID’s commitment to promote a path to self-reliance and resilience in developing countries by fostering enterprise-driven innovation, inclusive economic growth, and gender equality and women’s economic empowerment. Engendering Utilities is a key activity under the U.S. Government’s Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative (W-GDP), which aims to reach 50 million women by 2025 through innovative and effective programs.

Thursday, March 7, 2019 - 4:45am