Economic Growth and Trade

Speeches Shim

Some of the world’s poorest nations are in East Africa.  In these regions, economic growth is constrained by poor infrastructure, unreliable power, low agricultural productivity, poor governance, and lack of market competitiveness.  In response, USAID supports East African countries to address these limiting factors.  We often collaborate with the private sector. Our partnerships with the private sector are across many sectors.  We use their innovations to increase trade, access reliable power, attract investments, create jobs, and increase food security.

Stimulating economic growth in East Africa enhances growth opportunities in the U.S.  A stable, prosperous region also reduces migration and decreases violent extremism.  USAID removes barriers to regional trade and promotes two-way trade with the United States.  We collaborate with regional government institutions to harmonize policies and regulations. This standardization stimulates the movement of goods, services, people, and money.  Trade of coffee, cotton, textiles, apparel, staple foods, and horticulture are common in this region.

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