SEA Workshop: List Experiments to Measure the Prevalence of Sexual Violence

Speeches Shim

USAID Action Alliance for Preventing Sexual Misconduct (AAPSM)
Measuring Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian and Development Settings

List Experiments to Measure the Prevalence of Sexual Violence


  • Dr. Sara Kijewski, University of Bern
  • Dr. Richard Traunmuller, Goethe University
  • Dr. Michael Gilligan, New York University


Drs. Sara Kijewski and Richard Traunmuller presented their research using the list experiment method to measure the prevalence of sexual violence during the civil war in Sri Lanka. They explained their methodology, associated benefits and risks, and best practices with list experiments. They also discussed potential strengths and weaknesses with using list experiments specifically to measure the prevalence of SEA and argued that the method, if used appropriately, can be a powerful tool.

Presentation: “The Silent Victims of Sexual Violence: Evidence from a List Experiment in Sri Lanka”

Friday, March 8, 2019 - 3:00pm