Message from the Administrator on the Progress of the Action Alliance for Preventing Sexual Misconduct (AAPSM)

Speeches Shim

June 28, 2018


Like you, I am deeply troubled by continuing reports of sexual misconduct and abuse within the foreign-assistance community. Such misconduct violates everything that we stand for as an Agency. I have met with many of you and made it absolutely clear that USAID will not tolerate sexual harassment or misconduct of any kind.

Our Action Alliance for Preventing Sexual Misconduct (AAPSM), led by Acting Deputy Administrator David Moore, is continuing its work with our implementing partners and the international donor community to strengthen accountability over our staff and partners, to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, and to put an end to the sexual exploitation and abuse of beneficiaries.

USAID recently updated the standard provisions and USAID Acquisition Regulation clause that go into grants and contracts, to clarify that our implementers’ employee codes of conduct must be consistent with international standards on protection of beneficiaries from sexual exploitation and abuse.

Internally, I approved hiring additional staff to counsel on, investigate, and address reports of sexual misconduct within USAID’s workplace. I also released a new toolkit, available on USAID’s external website that summarizes the actions we have taken so far. The toolkit includes fact sheets and reporting flowcharts that provide information on our policies and enforcement around sexual misconduct.

Please know that I am personally tracking this issue. We as development practitioners have a unique responsibility to ensure our assistance, as well as our individual behavior, promotes human dignity and respect. USAID will continue to uphold our values in the workplace and through our programs, and we appreciate your help in amplifying this message through your efforts and networks.

Mark Green

Thursday, June 28, 2018 - 2:45pm