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For Immediate Release
LUSAKA – Marking an historic milestone in agricultural trade and export, the U.S. government, in partnership with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat and the Zambian government formally commissioned today the first hybrid maize seed export, worth $400,000, from Zambia to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
“It is an honor to be the first, especially when it is about economic development, food and nutrition, and this maiden export is no exception. The Zambian government looks forward to a future where the trade of improved seed varieties between our nations is not such a novelty, but a matter of best practice,” said the Minister Katambo. “Today is just the beginning and Zambia, along with the other SADC Member States, is committed to the full domestication of the Harmonised Seed Regulatory System.”
The first of its kind to be commissioned under the SADC Harmonised Seed Regulatory System (HSRS) and Seed Certification and Quality Assurance guidelines, the export process offers a path forward for SADC countries to move high-quality seed varieties listed in the SADC Regional Variety Catalogue across borders and ensure consistency to those improved seeds.
“On behalf of the U.S. government, I am here to reinforce our commitment to economic growth in SADC. The United States believes every person, every community, and every country wants to be empowered to lead their own future,” said USAID/Zambia Director Sheryl Stumbras. “We support self-reliance by walking alongside our friends on their development journey.”
Issues such as variations in national seed-certification and quality-control standards have historically complicated seed trade between countries, and made it difficult to move emergency seed consignments across borders. As a result, new and existing seed entrepreneurs are discouraged from investing in the market. This regional seed trade pilot will provide valuable lessons regarding the feasibility of the recently passed SADC Seed Certification and Quality Assurance guidelines.
Funded by the U.S. government through USAID, this pilot was unofficially launched in December 2018 as a joint venture between the Feed the Future Southern Africa Seed Trade Project, SADC FANR, Seed Co. Zambia Ltd., and the Zambian government. Under this partnership, Seed Co. Zambia Ltd. planted 200 metric tons worth of hybrid maize seed composed of three varieties (SC647, SC637 and SC719) in accordance with the SADC HSRS requirements.
The United States government will continue to partner with the Zambian government and the SADC Secretariat, working towards the full implementation and domestication of the SADC Harmonised Seed Regulatory Systems among member states.
For additional information, contact Nephas Hindamu,
About Feed the Future Southern Africa Seed Trade Project
The Feed the Future Southern Africa Seed Trade Project (Seed Trade Project) is a five-year project designed to increase the availability of high-quality seed of improved varieties to farmers in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, and contribute to increased agricultural productivity and improved food and nutrition security. The Seed Trade Project provides targeted technical assistance to facilitate implementation of the SADC Harmonised Seed Regulatory System (HSRS), which aims to boost seed trade across the region, integrating smaller and more isolated national seed markets into one larger SADC market. The Seed Trade Project is part of a regional policy effort to improve agricultural productivity, food security and nutrition in the SADC region.
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