Speeches Shim

Through AGIS, USAID is promoting strong and sustainable oversight of public resources to advance better health and education outcomes. With a rich democratic history, Zambia is well-placed to build citizen-responsive systems of governance that advance the nation’s development priorities and reduce donor dependency.
Through AGIS, USAID also works with Zambian citizens and government to combat corruption, strengthen government systems, protect human rights, and promote productive civic engagement.
The lack of accountability and transparency in service delivery institutions is a significant risk to both Zambian and United States government investments in health and education. It undermines the long-term sustainability of these investments and complicates the desired shift to domestic financing of service delivery as a step toward self-reliance.
USAID’s AGIS program supports the Zambian government and people in strengthening the skills of government employees in financial practices, and auditing procedures to improve management and utilization of public funds allocated to health and education.
USAID-supported interventions increase the efficiency of the Ministries of Health and General Education by strengthening oversight of public resources, enhancing financial management systems, and bolstering linkages between the central government and districts.
AGIS targets top public financial management priorities that will improve internal control, internal audit, and procurement. In partnership with U.S.-based organizations and Zambian private and public institutions, the activity supports the following interventions:
- Analyzes existing systems and interventions to identify transparency and accountability gaps in service delivery and catalysts for change;
Develops capacity transformation plans to address issues agreed upon by USAID, the Government of Zambia, and the implementer;
Provides technical assistance to achieve specific public financial management goals within each target ministry based on the transformation plans; and
Rolls down targeted improvements to district-level entities and improve the efficacy of central and lower-level linkages.
USAID believes every person, every community, and every country wants to be empowered to lead their own future. We support self-reliance by walking alongside our friends on their development journey as evolving, but enduring partners. As partners on this journey, we are empowering host country governments and our partners to achieve locally-sustained results, helping countries mobilize public and private revenues, strengthening local capacities, and accelerating enterprise-driven development. This approach fosters stable, resilient, and prosperous countries that are more self-reliant, and prioritizes enduring partnerships.
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