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Speeches Shim

Deputy Assistant Administrator Julie Cram oversees DDI’s Center for Education. Previously, Ms. Cram served as Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment where she ran the Offices of Education and Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.
Ms. Cram concurrently serves as Senior Coordinator of United States International Basic Education Assistance. In this capacity, she is responsible for the oversight and coordination of all resources and activities relating to the promotion of international basic education, including the development and implementation of a comprehensive U.S. strategy for international basic education across ten U.S. government agencies and departments.
Prior to joining USAID in January 2018, Ms. Cram was an advocacy and public affairs expert with more than 18 years of experience in issue advocacy, communications, and government affairs from high-level posts in both the federal government and the private sector.
Most recently, Ms. Cram was a partner at HDMK Public Affairs, a strategic communications firm that provides expert counsel in managing successful public policy campaigns and media strategies. Prior to HDMK, Ms. Cram advised corporate, national trade association and political clients through her own firm and as Senior Vice President at DDC Advocacy.
From 2007- 2009, Ms. Cram served as Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Public Liaison for President George W. Bush, leading the development of advocacy campaigns to advance major initiatives around key policy areas including international development, the economy, trade, immigration, energy and the environment. Before her appointment at the White House, Ms. Cram held a number of strategic public affairs positions including: Vice President, Corporate Communications for TerreStar Networks Inc.; Director, Public Affairs, Burson-Marsteller; Director, Public Affairs, International Trade Administration; and Deputy Communications Director, Republican National Committee.
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