Volunteers Take Action to Clean-up Ha Long Bay through Public-Private Alliance

Speeches Shim

Monday, September 11, 2017

Since 2014, the USAID-supported Ha Long - Cat Ba Alliance has brought together government, business and community leaders to  preserve and protect Ha Long Bay, one of Vietnam’s most popular tourist destinations. On August 29-30, the Alliance collaborated with private partners to organize the third “Action for A Green Ha Long” event.  Over 100 volunteers collected more than two tons of trash on four beaches in the Bay.  The Alliance also hosted a Greenovation Challenge to promote innovative ideas to address the plastic waste crisis.  Six teams of students from Hanoi and Quang Ninh presented their ideas at Coca Cola’s Ekocenter. Competition winners will receive support to develop and implement their innovative ideas to reduce plastic pollution.  So What? Events like this not only clean the bay, but also raise awareness and catalyze action to  preserve and protect Ha Long Bay - a UNESCO World Heritage Site.