USAID Supports Co Tu Ethnic Minority Communities’ Livelihoods by Introducing Traditional Co Tu Plaiting at an Art Gallery in Hanoi

Speeches Shim

Friday, October 30, 2020

Co Tu ethnic minority communities, who reside in the mountainous area of Quang Nam province, possess a unique plaiting skill used to produce a variety of products made from rattan. However, the widespread use of plastic products and the depletion of wild rattan (due to unsustainable harvesting practices) are leading to fewer Co Tu people maintaining this artisan skill and putting the plaiting tradition at risk. In September 2019, the USAID Green Annamites Project partnered with the Vietnam Handicraft Exporter Association (VietCraft) to improve the sustainable livelihoods of Co Tu communities by enhancing the rattan and medicinal plant value chains in Quang Nam province, benefiting 450 households in 10 communes.

On October 17, USAID Green Annamites and VietCraft teamed up with Gallery 39 in Hanoi to host a workshop to introduce art and handicraft lovers to Co Tu culture, traditions, and the technique of plaiting. The event was attended by over 100 people and featured an exhibition, a panel discussion on Co Tu plaiting and rattan product development, and showcased the book “The Plaiting Work of Co Tu people,” published by VietCraft and USAID Green Annamites.

So What? By improving economic opportunities for the forest-dependent Co Tu ethnic minority communities without threatening biodiversity conservation or sustainable forest management, USAID is supporting Vietnam’s self-reliance and safeguarding of its natural resources, goals of the Indo-Pacific Vision.