New Communication Materials Help Spread Word on The Advantages of Social Health Insurance Coverage for People Living with HIV

Speeches Shim

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Only 60% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Vietnam are covered under Social Health Insurance (SHI), compared to 75% for the general population. In the wake of declining donor funding, the number of PLHIV covered under SHI needs to increase. One of the main reasons for this gap in coverage is the reluctance of PLHIV to enroll for SHI, partly due to the stigma attached to HIV and also because they are unaware of the advantages of enrollment. In response, USAID’s Health Finance and Governance (HFG) and Healthy Markets activities have collaborated to design communication materials which will help Community Based Organizations to counsel current and newly diagnosed PLHIV to enroll in and use SHI and other financing options for HIV/AIDS services. So what? As USAID works to strengthen host country ownership of a sustainable HIV/AIDS response, effective communication materials like this will help achieve greater health insurance coverage.