Dong Nai Province Announces New Development in HIV Treatment Reimbursement

Speeches Shim

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Persons living with HIV (PLHIV) in Dong Nai province, who are treated at provincial level health facilities can only get reimbursed through Social Health Insurance (SHI) if they have a referral letter from their local primary health care facility. This bureaucracy has led to patient attrition. Meanwhile, PLHIV in Phu Tho province receive treatment at their preferred facility without a referral letter because the Phu Tho Department of Health and Provincial Social Security have waived referral requirements for HIV treatment.

On April 27, USAID’s Health Finance and Governance activity supported Dong Nai health officials to travel to Phu Tho to understand their referral waiver policy. This visit resulted in Dong Nai officials announcing plans to adopt a similar waiver policy.

So What? When Dong Nai’s referral-free treatment policy is in place, 2,000 PLHIV who are currently treated at its provincial level hospitals will get treatment and full SHI benefit at the facility of their choice without a referral letter.