In Linking SME to Global Value Chains, USAID Seeks to Alleviate Access To Finance Constraint

Speeches Shim

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

In early May, the USAID Linkages for Small and Medium Enterprises (LinkSME) project completed a report entitled “SME Finance Sources in Vietnam 2019,” an up-to-date, one-stop guide for enterprises to the financial products and institutions currently in the market. The purpose of the report is to offer SMEs the information they need to quickly locate appropriate financial support, which does not currently exist in Vietnam. E-copies of the guide have been distributed to more than 650 SMEs currently registered in USAID LinkSME’s online database. Distribution to additional SMEs is being done concurrently through all partner associations, chambers, and organizations with whom the project has partnered.

So what? Since access to finance is commonly mentioned as a constraint to SME growth, USAID LinkSME has taken the initiative to offer all SMEs registered with it a place to start by publishing and distributing a comprehensive information directory in order to help SMEs to grow their businesses.