USAID Takes Action to Improve Air Quality in Hanoi

Speeches Shim

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Air pollution has become a significant health concern for people living in Vietnam’s biggest cities, particularly for children. USAID’s Clean Air Green Cities activity is addressing air pollution and its health impacts in Hanoi by mobilizing a network of local partners (including youth, schools, communities, civic and social organizations, businesses, and local governments) to take collective action and advocate for clean air. On June 7, USAID and the Hanoi Department of Natural Resources and Environment organized a workshop to discuss Hanoi air pollution issues and agree on the way forward to create an action plan.

So What? Through this event, USAID created a platform for dialogue and partnership between over 100 stakeholders in the public and private sectors, social organizations and development world to promote collaboration, information sharing, and capacity building to address air pollution and health issues in Hanoi.