USAID Support Leads to Improvement in HIV Case Finding and Treatment Initiation in Hanoi

Speeches Shim

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hanoi lags behind Ho Chi Minh City in finding new HIV positive cases and meeting its 90-90-95 targets. Hence, USAID’s Sustainable HIV Response From Technical Assistance project launched an intensified HIV case finding approach coupled with an updated performance-based incentive system in Hanoi in May in order to increase site-based  case-finding results. With deployment of the new strategy and weekly data monitoring, USAID found more than twice the number of HIV positive people in quarter three compared to quarter two (from 56 individuals to 134 individuals) and increased the number of people on treatment by 1.8 times (from 167 individuals to 300 individuals).

So What? These intensified efforts have accelerated Hanoi’s progress towards the first two UNAIDS Fast-Track Targets, whereby 90% of people living with HIV know their status, 90% of those individuals are sustained on treatment, and 90% of PLHIV are virally suppressed, ensuring that Hanoi and Vietnam are achieving faster progress towards epidemic control.