USAID/Vietnam Technical Expertise in HIV Featured at Major International Conference

Speeches Shim

Friday, July 6, 2018

The PEPFAR Annual Meeting (PAM) and the 22nd International AIDS Conference (IAS) in Amsterdam on July 20-27, 2018 are state-of-the-art technical meetings that showcase the innovative work PEPFAR staff, partners, civil society, scientists and the private sector are doing to bring us closer to epidemic control. This year, four USAID/Vietnam staff and partners were invited to deliver technical presentations at the PAM and IAS. Topics include innovations in case finding (lay testing, which is provided by nonprofessional providers, and self-testing), the total market approach for HIV commodities, private sector engagement and sustainable financing for the HIV response in Vietnam through social health insurance.

So what? The spotlight on USAID/Vietnam’s initiatives and innovations clearly reflects the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator’s recognition of the country team as global experts and technical leaders who achieve results and have much to teach others.