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Vietnam’s national stock status review and order planning process works to ensure continuous supply of ARVs to health facilities throughout the country. On December 6-8, USAID’s Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management activity collaborated with the Global Fund and the Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control to conduct a national ARV stock status review and supply planning for the first quarter of 2018. As a result, $1,750,000 worth of U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funded ARVs were budgeted for this first quarter. The activity also helped review the national stock status in different scenarios against the central government’s 2018 budget availability and provided recommendations to avoid a stock out of ARVs. So What? As USAID works with Vietnam to achieve HIV epidemic control, conducting such exercises will prepare Vietnam for the near future when they will procure and purchase ARVs without PEPFAR funding.
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