Seven-Fold Increase in Rehabilitation Practitioners in Tay Ninh and Binh Phuoc

Speeches Shim

Friday, January 5, 2018

The U.S. and Vietnam have a well established and successful history of cooperating to assist persons with disabilities. Over the last two years, USAID’s Disability Rights Enforcement, Coordination and Therapies activity helped establish 17 new rehabilitation units  in district and provincial hospitals in Tay Ninh and Binh Phuoc provinces. The activity also trained and certified 300 new rehabilitation practitioners, including rehabilitation doctors, therapists and therapist assistants. Prior to this, the two provinces only had 44 health professionals available to provide rehabilitation services and many were not properly  trained and certified. So What?  As USAID works with Vietnam to create sustainable models for inclusion of disabled persons, establishing certified trainers and quality rehabilitation services is crucial for persons with disabilities to fully participate in society and contribute to Vietnam’s development.