USAID Support Leads to Vietnam’s Re-commitment to a National Plan to Prevent Pandemic Avian Influenza

Speeches Shim

Thursday, February 14, 2019

In January 2019, Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) issued the “National Plan for Avian Influenza Disease Prevention and Control 2019-2025” to detect, prevent, and respond to potentially pandemic avian influenza. This new National Plan builds on previous strategies and plans in place since avian influenza was first detected in Vietnam in 2003. USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats program, through the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), has supported this initiative from the beginning, given Vietnam’s vulnerability as a “hot spot” for the emergence of new and serious strains of influenza. This included working directly with MARD counterparts to draft, revise, and finalize this newest Plan. As demonstrated by other emerging diseases such as Ebola, preparedness is key to detection and control before a serious problem spirals out of control.

So What? Vietnam’s commitment to support and implement this plan will help prevent or mitigate a serious future influenza threat. This is also a testament to Vietnam’s increasing self reliance in its disease control efforts.