USAID Helps Vietnam With Highly Specialized Endangered Species Regulations

Speeches Shim

Thursday, February 21, 2019

From July to November 2018, USAID’s Saving Species and Governance for Inclusive Growth activities collaborated to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to hold a national consultation workshop as well as review, provide input, and help draft a new decree to protect Vietnam’s endangered, rare, and precious fauna and flora. On January 22, the Prime Minister of Vietnam approved this new Decree which enables Vietnam to implement requirements of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), an international treaty. These requirements include improving the management of habitats where wild endangered and rare species live, clarifying export and import requirements, providing guidance on captive breeding, and clarifying the roles and functions of relevant Government of Vietnam agencies.  The Decree will come into effect on March 10 and is expected to remove overlaps and fill gaps in the current legislation to enable wildlife species protection and management.

So What? A harmonized legal system is essential for effective enforcement. USAID provides critical support to Vietnam to improve the legislation governing wildlife crime, with an aim to increase wildlife protection and combat wildlife trafficking.