USAID Supports a Drawing Competition to Commemorate International Day of Persons with Disabilities (PDWs)

Speeches Shim

Friday, December 4, 2020

Over the past few months, USAID’s Raising Voices, Creating Opportunities project, USAID implementing partner Action to the Community Development Institute, and the Provincial Organization of Persons with Disabilities held a drawing competition with the theme “Independent Living of PWDs.” The challenge was to portray the expectations of PWDs in relation to independence and inclusion in society. Three winners were awarded prizes at an event in Quang Tri province on December 3, which is International Day of PWDs. Around 100 participants attended the event, including PDWs, PWD organizations, local agencies in education, health, and social affairs.

The competition attracted 36 contestants, including 17 primary and secondary school students.  The first prize went to a fifth grade student with a mental disability for the painting  “Do What You Like,” the second prize went to a 12th grade student with a mobility disability for a piece titled “Self-Reliance,”  and the third prize went to a seventh grade student with a disability for the entry “Helping Younger Brother to Study.” These winning entries will be widely used in a communication and outreach campaign to promote inclusion rights of persons with disabilities.

So What? Public awareness raising events and artwork made by persons with disabilities have been an effective channel to facilitate meaningful participation and inclusion of PWDs in society and reducing discrimination against them.