USAID Strengthens Vietnamese Local Organizations with Human Resources Training

Speeches Shim

Thursday, August 30, 2018

USAID is helping local organizations strengthen their capacity to apply for, receive and manage funding from USAID and other donors. As part of its ongoing efforts to build their capacity, on August 22-24, USAID conducted the “Human Resource Management” (HRM) training for 27 participants from 10 local organizations. The participants learned how to review the design and implementation of HRM systems, as well as how to structure policies and procedures. The participants also developed their soft skills regarding how to give feedback, actively listen, set expectations, and review staff performance. All of these activities culminated in the participants drafting HRM action plans for implementation in their organizations.

So What? By developing HRM practices, Vietnamese non-governmental  organizations can professionalize their workforces, support the development of individual staff members, and enhance their organization’s ability to play a bigger role in addressing development challenges in Vietnam.