USAID Helps Vietnam Forecast Financial Projections for HIV Expenditure

Speeches Shim

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Over the last three years, USAID’s Health Finance & Governance (HFG) activity has provided technical assistance to the Vietnamese government to help them forecast revenue and expenditure for the country’s Social Health Insurance (SHI) fund. SHI will become the primary source for HIV/AIDS care and treatment. Detailed data to build these projections were collected from 12 provinces and from March 19-23, USAID worked with with local government experts to finalize the models. The projection model and derivative software will be handed over to Vietnam Social Security (VSS) that manage SHI by July 2018.

So What? These SHI financial projection models will allow VSS to forecast the financial flow (revenue and expenditure) of the SHI fund with different scenarios such as policy changes and increased coverage of SHI. In addition, as international donor support is reduced, projections of SHI expenditure for HIV services will help VAAC mobilize domestic financial resources for Vietnam’s HIV response.