Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Democracy and Governance

Speeches Shim

Democracy and Governance Objective:  More functional and accountable institutions and actors that meet citizens’ needs.

USAID’s democracy programs strengthen BiH’s democratic institutions while increasing citizen engagement in governance, focusing primarily on the areas of rule of law, good governance, and civil society.  USAID’s rule of law program strengthens the independence, accountability, and effectiveness of the judiciary; coordinates implementation of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy; and helps BiH judicial institutions prepare for EU accession.

USAID works with local governments to improve customer service, administrative systems, budgeting, and financial management, and to reduce opportunities for corruption. Our programs support political and legislative processes to promote policy reforms and improve the legal framework to affect more transparent and effective government administration at the national and sub-national levels.

USAID’s civil society programs strengthen independent media and empower organizations and citizens to engage in advocacy and civic actions to improve the quality of life of BiH citizens. These programs help NGOs build strategic partnerships with the government and improving the financial viability of the sector.

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