Speeches Shim

In September 2019, Uzbekistan adopted the country’s first ever gender equality law, “Guarantees of Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men”. The long-awaited law represents a firm stance against gender-based discrimination and ensures equal rights for both sexes – an ambitious goal in a society with deeply-rooted gender stereotypes.

Civil society in Uzbekistan remains weak and restricted. Its principal segment, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), is over-regulated with only a few active players. Acknowledging the key role civil society can play in supporting on-going reforms and providing services to vulnerable groups, the Government of Uzbekistan has declared a firm commitment to the development of the NGO sector by creating a new enabling environment. The USAID-funded Judicial Reform in Uzbekistan Program (JRUP) is backing this initiative by supporting the development of a new Law on NGOs, which has been drafted and submitted to the Parliament.
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