USAID/Ukraine Annual Report 2017

Speeches Shim

Dear beneficiaries, partners and colleagues,

This year USAID/Ukraine continued partnering with the Government of Ukraine, private sector, and civil society to stem corruption, deepen democracy, and stimulate inclusive economic growth.

At the core of the USAID mission remains a deep commitment to working as partners to aid Ukraine’s development and improve the lives of the Ukrainian people. This year we prioritized much of our efforts in support of the reform initiatives that Ukrainians are demanding.

In October, Ukraine’s Parliament passed landmark health care reform legislation that President Poroshenko signed it into law just before the New Year. USAID provided substantial support to the Ministry of Health in this effort. The new legislation places primary health care at its center and introduces a “money follows the patient” principle that will increase the quality of care while reducing opportunities for corruption in the system.

We continued to assist and guide 50 newly consolidated communities to efficiently allocate increased budget revenues and promote local economic development. Notably, USAID supported the successful first-ever elections in nearly 600 newly consolidated communities in Ukraine through assistance for grassroots activism, polling, and analytics.

USAID supported Ukraine’s Public Integrity Council (PIC), which worked with the High Qualifications Commission on the appointment of a new Supreme Court. While the results of the appointment process were mixed, the new Supreme Court is considered to be better than the previous one, and the selection process was more transparent, including with civil society engagement.

Other notable achievements in 2017 included the legislative adoption of a package of USAID-supported laws, which established the legal basis for sustainable energy development in Ukraine and significantly improved the energy sector’s regulatory framework, and the 16 local Administrative Services Centers in eastern Ukraine that USAID helped modernize to improve service delivery and reduce opportunities for corruption.

USAID is proud of these achievements, accomplished in partnership with the Government of Ukraine and civil society. We are committed to continuing support for reforms and helping Ukrainians attain the prosperity they desire and deserve.

Susan K. Fritz
Mission Director

USAID/Ukraine Annual Report 2017 Cover Page
USAID/Ukraine Annual Report 2017 Cover Page
USAID's Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative
Issuing Country 
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 - 6:00am